Use a Leaderboard to create a custom Interactions Report and CSV interactions download

Watershed’s Interactions report allows you to see interaction statements and download a CSV file included in that report’s filter at the click of the button. It’s quick and easy to use, and gives you all the main properties of the xAPI statement. Great!

But what if you want more than just the main properties? What if you need to include some less commonly used property or a specific value within a custom statement extension? In that case what you need is a custom column interactions leaderboard and guess what? This guide explains exactly how to do just that.

Who can use this feature?
 User Types
Any user with access to the report builder (Global AdminsArea Admins, and some Users) can edit a Leaderboard report. All users can view a Leaderboard report.
Available on paid plans (AnalystCLO, and Enterprise).
Intermediate and Expert users can use this feature.

Step 1: Organize By Statement

Use the report builder to start a new Leaderboard (or start with a report you’ve already set up and filtered and switch it into a Leaderboard). Then, jump into Advanced Configuration:leaderboardadvancedconfig.png

Find the dimensions property and change the statementProperty value to “id” with this:

"dimensions": [
"statementProperty": "id"


You’ve now got a leaderboard where every row is a different xAPI statement.

Step 2: Define your CSV columns as measures

Next you need to define which xAPI properties you want to include on your leaderboard and in your CSV download. This is done by creating a measure for each property.

Measures relating to statement data use a STATEMENT_PROPERTY value provider and LAST aggregation. LAST is used because since each row is an individual statement, displaying the LAST value for that statement is the same as displaying the only value. It’s the last of a list of 1.

Here’s the full configuration you’d use to add a column for a context extension value:

  "name": "Some extension",
  "aggregation": {
    "type": "LAST"
  "valueProducer": {
    "statementProperty": "context.extensions.[]"

Measures relating to group data use a GROUP_OF_TYPE value provider and LAST aggregation.

Here’s the full configuration you’d use to add a column for the person's region group:

  "name": "Region",
  "aggregation": {
    "type": "LAST"
  "valueProducer": {
    "type": "GROUP_OF_TYPE",
    "groupType": "Region"

Step 3 (Optional): Download your CSV

You’re all done! Save your report and then click the Download Data Tables icon to get your CSV!downloaddatatablesicon.png

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