Organizing and Resizing Reports

When creating dashboards, you can organize and resize your reports to prioritize important and relevant data.

Who can use this feature?
 User Roles
Only Global Admins can edit shared dashboards, but every user can control how reports appear on Your Reports.
Available on paid plans (AnalystCLO, and Enterprise).
Any user (both beginners and experts) can use this feature.

Adding Reports to Dashboards

Go to a dashboard via the menu in the top left corner of the screen. Once the dashboard is loaded, use the report builder to add a report to that dashboard.

Moving Reports

 Please note: Only users logged into Watershed as an Admin can move reports on shared dashboards. When an Admin moves reports on shared dashboards, the dashboard for every user in the organization will change.

To move a report on a dashboard, hover over the report until a blue bar appears at the top of the report. Move the mouse over the blue bar, and you'll be able to drag and drop the report to where you need:movereport.png

Resizing Reports

 Please note: Only users logged into Watershed as an Admin can resize reports on shared dashboards. When an Admin changes reports on shared dashboards, the reports for every user in the organization will change.

To resize reports, hover over the report and grab the bottom right blue corner:resize.png

Drag the corner to make the report your desired size:resizing.png

Many report types will fill the new width with data. Some report types (like program reports and pie reports) do not show additional data when made larger.

Grouping Reports

 Please note: Only users logged into Watershed as an Admin can group reports on shared dashboards. When an Admin groups reports on shared dashboards, the dashboard for every user in the organization will change.

You can group related reports together to keep dashboards organized.

To group reports together, hover over the report and click the gear icon in the bottom right corner to bring up the report options menu:gearicon.png

In the report options menu, click Group:groupreportoptions.png

You’ll be prompted to select another report or an already-existing group. If you choose another report, a new group will be created for those two reports. If you choose an already-existing group, your report will be added to that group.

When reports are grouped, if the group is new, you can name the group now or change the name at any point by using the Rename Group functionality. You’ll see the names of the reports contained within the group, and you open the group by clicking the title of the group:groupreport.png

To remove a report from a group, first open the group on a dashboard. On the report you wish to remove from the group, click the gear icon in the bottom right corner of the report to open the report options and select Ungroup.


Deleting Reports

 Please note: A few notes about deleting reports:

  • Only users logged into Watershed as an Admin can delete reports from shared dashboards. Any user can delete reports that they have added to their own Your Reports page.
  • When an Admin deletes a report from shared dashboards, the report will be removed for every user in the organization.
  • When an Admin deletes a report that is on multiple dashboards or has been pinned to users' Your Dashboard, all copies of the report will be deleted.

To delete a report, hover over the report and click the gear icon in the bottom right corner to bring up the report options menu:gearicon.png

Report options will appear for the report. Click Delete to delete the report:delete.png

Choosing Which Dashboards a Report Appears On

 Please note: Only users logged into Watershed as an Admin can control which reports appear on shared dashboards. Any changes made to a report on multiple dashboards will affect all copies of the report.

The same report can appear on multiple dashboards. To control which dashboards a report appears on, hover over the report and click the gear icon in the bottom right corner to bring up the report options menu:gearicon.png

Click Dashboards to open the report dashboards menu:dashboards.png

On the Dashboards popup, you'll see which dashboards your report is currently on:dashboardmeu.png

Use the search box to find dashboards you'd like your report to appear on:searchbox.png

Click the X next to a dashboard name if you no longer want your report to appear on it. Click Save changes and the report will appear on all of the selected dashboards:clickx.png

If a report appears on more than one dashboard, any changes made to the report (changes to measures, the name of the report, deleting the report, etc) will affect all copies of the report on every dashboard it appears on.

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