What is a Metric Report?
The Metric Report allows you to highlight a metric—such as a specific KPI or other key measure—on a dashboard so you can easily tell stories with your data. Choose a measure, and users viewing that dashboard will see that measure's most recent value. You also can use this report to create text boxes on your dashboards, giving you the ability to provide context to your data.
- User Types
- Any user with access to the report builder (Global Admins, Area Admins, and some Users) can create and edit Metric Reports. All users can view a Metric Report.
- Pricing
- Available on paid plans (Analyst, CLO, and Enterprise).
- Expertise
- Anybody (both beginners and experts) can use this feature.
Creating and Editing a Metric Report
Use the report builder to create new Metric Reports and to configure existing Metric Reports.
Metric Report Filters and Options
Beyond the typical report builder filters and options, the Metric Report provides options that are unique to the Metric Report.
Metric Section
When setting up a new Metric Report or configuring an existing Metric Report, click Metric in the report carousel and in filter menu:
The data on the Metric report is controlled by measures. Select the data you want to include using the Select a Measure menu:
Related: What are Measures?
As you select measures, they will appear in a list under the menu. Only the top measure in the list is displayed as a large number; the additional measures selected can be used as dynamic text in the smaller text below the large number (more on that later). In the example below, two measures have been selected (Average Score and Completion Count) and Average Score is the measure whose value is the large number on the report (and the Completion Count measure appears in the text box below the large number):
Remove measures by clicking the X next to the measure name:
Metric Description
The Metric Description text box controls the smaller text that appears under the larger measure number. There is also dynamic text functionality where you can include measure values in the text. To use measures you'll first need to select measures in the Measures section. Then use {{m0}}
for the first measure, {{m1}}
for the second, and so forth. In the example below the value for the first measure (Average Score) is used in the text box by using {{m0}}
and the value for the second measure (Completion Count) is used in the text box by using {{m1}}
The Metric Description can also include HTML tags so your text can include bold, italics, and other elements.
Show Title
Show Title controls whether the title is shown on the metric report on dashboards. It only hides the title from the preview view on a dashboard—it does not affect the detail view. In the below example, you'll see the same report. The version on the left has the title hidden, but the version on the right does not:
Using the Metric Report as a Text Box
You can use the Metric Report to put a text box on your dashboards to give more context to your data. To do so, you'll remove all measures from the Measures section and add text to the Metric Description text box. You can also set the Show Title option to hide. This will show text in the smaller font, but not track a larger metric on the report.
Please note: If there are no measures selected, you cannot use the dynamic text functionality of the Metric Description text box.
In the example below, you'll see two Metric Reports. The bottom left Metric Report has been made into a text box to add context to the report next to it. The top right Metric Report is tracking a measure, so it has a large number:
HTML in the Metric Report
In the Metric Description box, you can include common HTML tags. You can include bold, italics, and links, but you can't include script, blink, or marquee elements.
<p>The metric report can include <b>bold text</b>, <i>italics</i>, <br/> <hr/> new lines, <hr/> <br/> </p> <table> <tr> <th colspan="2">Tables</th> </tr> <tr> <td>and even images:</td> <td><img src="https://example.com/team-photo.jpg"/></td> </tr> </table>creates this Metric Report:

Hint: Measure values can be inserted as part of an html code property, for example as part of an image filename to dynamically display a different image based on the value of the measure.
Video in the Metric Report
You can use the Metric Report to integrate video directly into your dashboards. Videos help you tell a story with your data by giving them an overview of your dashboards or providing guidance.
For account security, we do not allow all video providers. The following video providers are currently supported:
- YouTube
- Kaltura
- gomo Video
- Instilled
- EduTube
When adding a video to a metric report, you can use Watershed Video Syntax or Iframe Syntax.
Watershed Video Syntax
With Watershed Video Syntax, you can use a URL from one of the allowed video providers and optionally set a height and width.
{{ video: <url>, height: <y>, width: <x> }}
is one of the allowed provider URLsheight
are optional, but if defined should be a string value:- allowed:
height: 450
- not allowed:
height: "450"
- not allowed:
height: "450px"
- not allowed:
- allowed:
{{ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ }}

{{ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ, height: 158, width: 280 }}

Iframe Syntax
With iframe Syntax, you can use an embeddable iframe from some of our allowed providers:
<iframe src="<url>" height="<y>" width="<x>"></iframe>
is one of the allowed provider URLsheight
are optional, but if defined should be a number value:- allowed:
- not allowed:
- not allowed:
- not allowed
height: "450"
- allowed:
Please note: For security reasons, Watershed will ignore all iframe settings except for src
, height
, and width
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and allowfullscreen
are stripped and not displayed on the Metric Report.Advanced Configuration
Advanced configuration is designed to be used by expert users who understand JSON and the properties of xAPI statements.
There are no Advanced Configuration options specific to the Metric Report.
Related: Check out our Advanced Configuration guide for more information on customizing your reports.