How do I filter people out of a report?

Sometimes you'll create the perfect report but realize there are a few people--like test users or people from the wrong department--in the report that need to be taken out. It's very easy to filter those people or groups of people out using the report builder.

Who can use this feature?
 User Types
All Admins have access to the report builder, and some Users can be given access to use the report builder. If you don't have access to the report builder but think you should, reach out to your organization's Watershed administrator.
Available on paid plans (AnalystCLO, and Enterprise).
Anybody (both beginners and experts) can use this feature.

Filter People out of a Report

To remove people from a report, click the configure icon (the pen) in the top right corner of the report to open the report builder: Screen_Shot_2020-03-16_at_8.32.43_PM.png

Once the report builder is open, click People to open the People filter:Screen_Shot_2020-03-16_at_8.40.06_PM.png

In the search bar, search for a person or a group by either typing their name, or clicking on the button labeled Pick from a list:Screen_Shot_2020-03-16_at_8.43.42_PM.png

If you used Pick from a list, find the people or groups you want to remove. In the below example, we've chosen Akilah Stacy and Alecia Beach (you can see the check marks next to their names). Once you've selected the people, click on the X in the top right corner to get back to the configuration page: selected_and_x.png

After you have chosen the people you want to exclude, you will need to actually exclude them from the report. To do this, you will hover over the name or the person or group, and click the exclude icon to exclude them:akilha.png

All people and groups you have excluded will show under Excluded People. In the below example, we've excluded Akilah Stacy and Alecia Beach:excluded_people.png

After confirming that all people and groups that need to be excluded have been chosen, click on Save changes to this report:savechanges.png

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