Heads Up: This article is for Watershed's free product Watershed Essentials. If you're a paid client, please visit our main help section.
How do I delete users from my Watershed Essentials account?
After you’ve added or invited users to your Watershed Essentials account, you may need to remove them.
1) To remove users, click “Settings” in the upper right corner of your dashboard and select “Watershed Users” from the dropdown menu.
2) You’ll be redirected to a new page, which lists all the users who have access or have been invited to your account.
3) Locate the user account you want to remove and click “Delete” to the right of his or her name. A popup window will ask you to confirm the account removal. Once you’ve confirmed, you may need to refresh your webpage to see the user has been removed from your account.
Hey, don't forget!
Anyone you invite to your Essentials account can remove other users—including you. Make sure everyone who has access to your account understands how to properly use Essentials before getting started.