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What are "measures" in my Watershed Essentials LRS account?
Measures are ways of aggregating specific data points from what you collect and are typically numbers that can then be displayed in Watershed’s graphs and charts. Watershed Essentials includes a collection of default measures, such as:
- Total Time Taken. This the total amount of time people have spent performing all activities in a grouping. For instance, if you’ve organized your Correlation Report by Person, using the Total Time measure would show the amount of time each person has spent on all activities. If you’ve organized your Correlation Report by Activity, using the Total Time measure would show how much time has been spent on each Activity.
- Average Score. This is the average of all the scores recorded across all activities in a grouping. For example, if you’ve organized a report by week, using the Average Score measure would show you the average of all of the scores across all activities for each week. If you’ve organized a report by person, using the Average Score measure would show the average score across all activities for each person.
- Completion Count. This measure is the total number of times activities have been completed in a grouping. For instance, if you’ve organized a report by Person, using the Completion Count measure shows how many activities each person has completed. If you’ve organized a report by Activity, using the Completion Count measure would show how many times each activity has been completed.
- Activity Count. This measure counts the number of unique values of object.id in the batch of statements. This is the number of unique activities represented in the statements.