Heatmap Report

What is a Heatmap Report?

The Heatmap report provides an ideal way to quickly compare activity between learners. Like the Leaderboard report, each Heatmap report shows text-based data, but also presents a visual representation of your learners’ activities by using varying intensities of color. Darker and lighter backgrounds on cells are used to visually highlight outlier values. For instance, if you are looking at test scores for a group of learners, you can easily identify higher performers because their corresponding colors would be darker.heatmapexample.png

Who can use this feature?
 User Types
Any user with access to the report builder (Global Admins, Area Admins, and some Users) can edit a Heatmap report. All users can view a Heatmap report.
Available on paid plans (AnalystCLO, and Enterprise).
Anybody (both beginners and experts) can use this feature.

Creating and Editing a Heatmap Report

Use the report builder to create new Heatmap reports and to configure existing Heatmap reports.

Heatmap Report Filters and Options

Beyond the typical report builder filters and options, the Heatmap report provides options that are unique to the Heatmap report.

Heatmap Filter

When setting up a new Heatmap report or configuring an existing Heatmap report, click Heatmap in the filter menu:heatmapselectionreportbuilder.png

In the Heatmap filter, you’ll choose what you’d like to rank (using the Organized menu), how you’d like to rank it (using the Measures menu), whether you want to show data values in addition to the heatmap colors (using the Value Labels menu), and how to scale the heatmap colors (with Scale Colors).


On the Organized menu, you’ll choose what you’d like to rank on the Heatmap. Choose an option from the Organized menu and the rows on the Heatmap will be what you’ve chosen.

For example, if you choose By Person in the Organized menu, your Heatmap will be organized by people (each row will be a person): organizedbypeopleheatmap.png


On the Measures menu, you’ll choose which measures you’d like to rank what you chose in the Organized menu. You can choose multiple measures for the same Heatmap report, and each measure you choose is given a column in the Heatmap report.

 Related: What are Measures?

For example, if you choose By Person in the Organized menu, each of the measures you choose in the Measures menu will be represented as columns on the Heatmap, and each block of the Heatmap would show how people performed on the measures you selected. In the below example, the measures chosen are Average Score and Total Time:measuresheatmap.png

To add a measure to the Heatmap, choose a measure from the Select a Measure menu and click the Add Measure button next to the menu. You’ll see the measure added to the Heatmap, and the measure will be added to the Measures section. To deselect a measure, click the X next to the Measure in the Measures section:measureselectionheatmap.png

As a note, the first 10 measures will appear on the report preview when looking at a heatmap report in a dashboard. When clicking on the report to view in more detail, you can scroll horizontally to see additional measures past the 10th.

Value Labels

In Value Labels menu, you'll choose whether you want the actual numbers to appear on your Heatmap or if you want to let your users decide whether to see the actual numbers.

If you choose Always Hide, no numbers will show on your Heatmap:hidevaluesheatmap.png

If you choose Always Show, numbers will show on your Heatmap: showvaluesheatmap.png

If you choose Select in UI, your users can decide whether they want to see Heatmap values with a toggle on the Heatmap:letuserdecideheatmap.png

Scale Colors

In the Scale Colors menu, you'll choose whether you want the colors of your heatmap to scale across all of the measures of the heatmap or whether you want the colors to scale within each measure.

If you choose Across All Measures, the color scale for the Heatmap will be set to the highest value across all measure values:scaleacrossvaluesheatmap.png

If you choose By Individual Measures, each measure will have its own color scale. Each measure's color scale will be determined by the highest value across each measure:acrossallcolorsscaleheatmap.png

Default Sort

The default sort menu determines the order rows will be sorted by default. Sorting Ascending means that lower numbers or letters near the start of the alphabet will be listed first. Sorting Descending means that higher numbers or letters nearer the end of the alphabet will be listed first.

Advanced Configuration

Advanced configuration is designed to be used by expert users who understand JSON and the properties of xAPI statements.

 Related: Check out our Advanced Configuration guide for more information on customizing your reports.

Whether or not values are shown can be configured in Advanced Configuration. Along with this, you can choose to exclude measures from being shaded.



Example values


Whether or not to show values on heatmap grid squares.





This property takes an array of measures to exclude shading from

[0, 1]


If show values is null, the report viewer will be able to select whether or not to show values in the UI, without having to use the report builder.

Heatmap custom chart colors

If you use custom chart colors, these will be used to determine the colors used for the background of cells in the heatmap.

  • The first color is the color used for null values, for example on a heatmap showing quiz scores, if a person has no score for the quiz. The default color for this is grey.
  • The second color is the color used for the very lowest value in the range of values present in the data (often 0). The default color for this is white.
  • The third color is used for the lower end of the gradient. The default color for this is very light grey.
  • The fourth color is used for the upper end of the gradient and for the very highest value in the range of values present in the data. The default color for this is a dark blue.

 Hint: If you use custom chart colors, but want to show the heatmap in default Watershed colors, you can use this configuration in your report:

"colors": [
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